I’m on Windows (please no bully). So while cmd.exe is terrible to get comfortable with, I’ve gotten along alright with git bash. However, whenever I use the Linux terminal, I find myself using tmux and/or tabs in general. So naturally, I wanted to figure out similar functionality on Windows.

Let’s get to it.

  1. Get ConEmu. If you’re curious about what it does, more details here.
  2. Unzip it into a folder.
  3. If you’re on an x64 machine, run ConEmu64.exe. If you’re not sure or if you’re on x86, run ConEmu.exe
  4. If you’re prompted by any UAC warnings, allow them.
  5. You’ll be asked for some settings. Make the changes as shown with the arrows. The first change is to choose Git bash as the program that you want to run in tabbed mode. The second change is to assign a shortcut for running bash inside ConEmu.
  6. Profit!

Here are the settings just in case: conEmu settings


  • Use the shortcut you assigned (default is Ctrl + `) to run your git bash
  • Use Win + W to create a new tab
  • Use Ctrl + Tab to move across tabs
  • Use Win + Alt + Del to delete tab


  • Use Ctrl + Shift + e to split your terminal vertically (to the right)
  • Use Ctrl + Shift + o to split your terminal horizontally (to the bottom)
  • You can even use your mouse to move across these splits if you prefer that